A curated Collection of my favorite content on the internet.

This is my personal collection of fascinating content from around the internet. Here, you’ll find all sorts of things that have piqued my interest. You’ll discover a diverse array of intriguing, thought-provoking, or just plain entertaining gems – articles, videos, podcasts, and more. It’s a mixed bag of treasures that I want to share.

So take a look around and explore. Maybe you’ll discover something new that resonates with you, or maybe it’ll simply provide an enjoyable diversion. Either way, this is my curated collection of internet treasures. Who knows, you might even stumble upon a hidden surprise or two along the way that is not posted on this specific page.

So take a look around and explore. Maybe you’ll stumble upon something new that resonates with you, or maybe it’ll simply provide an enjoyable diversion. Either way, enjoy my curated collection.

Table of Contents



I am a house. It is dark in me. My consciousness is a lonely light. A candle in the wind. It’s flickering. Sometimes here, sometimes there. Everything else is in the shade. Everything else is in the unconscious. But they are there. the other rooms. Niches, hallways, staircases and doors. At any time. And anything that lives within you and wanders within you… It is there. It Works and lives. Within the house is me. Instinct, eros and taboos. Forbidden thoughts. Forbidden desires. Memories we don’t want to see in the light. That we displaced from the light. They dance around us in the darkness. They torment and poke us. They haunt and whisper. They scare us. They make us sick. They make us hysteric.

Sigismund Schlomo Freud

Anything that can go wrong will go wrong

Murphy’s LawEdward Aloysius Murphy Jr.

If you write a problem in clear and specific steps, you actually have half solved it.

Kidlin’s LawJames Clavell

The biggest problem is that no one tells you what to do right and what you did wrong.

Gilbert’s Law

If you prioritise knowledge and intelligence, money will continue to come.

Wilson’s LawRobert Wilson

If you don’t have to make a decision about something, then don’t decide.

Falkland’s Law

Random Weird AI Generated Stuff